Meal Kit Hacks: Spice it up!

Some of us are good at following directions: we like order, clear instruction, and consistent results. Others (like me) tend to wander off track rather quickly, drawing outside the lines and ignoring the finer points of instructions after we’ve got the general gist of things. If you count yourself like me, chances are you’ve already altered your al FreshCo meal kit to your personal taste and style, but here are a few ideas to shake up your meal kit to better fit you:

Local veggies… for breakfast!

Have leftovers of a stir-fry or a Buddha Bowl in your fridge? Toss some in a frying pan with eggs or tofu for a delicious breakfast scramble! This mixture also makes a great filling for a breakfast burrito, with a dash of hot sauce or ketchup. Not only are you getting complete plant-based proteins, but lots of fiber from the veggies to slow the release of energy and keep you going strong until lunch!

Fight fire with fire

As the temperature rises, try kicking your food up a notch as well: mix in a little hot sauce or hot paprika with your peanut satay sauce, or sprinkle your flatbread with chili flakes. There’s a reason hotter climates tend to have spicier cuisines. The heat from the spices can actually help cool you down by increasing blood flow to the surface of your skin and making you sweat. It also encourages you to drink more water with your meal, which is always important, no matter the weather!

Stay tuned for more al FreshCo Meal Hacks, or share your own with us! Email, maybe you’ll inspire our next recipe!

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